
I call shenanigans. They’re in cahoots together to create social media drama and drive traffic.

TSA is there to keep us all safe

Alright, so it must be really, really good, an A.A. Dowd B+ is like a A+ in an AP class....

$5 for a bottle is cheaper than my prescription co-pay, so, it’s a no brainer.

I am a professional. This machine is overpriced for what it is, additionally I don’t like having the display and computer integrated. I replace my workstation much more often than I replace my displays. This is just forcing you to spend more money when you want to upgrade.

Look, if there is 1 thing I just flat out accept about Star Wars is to not mentally challenge the science or physics of anything I see on screen.

The sun reappears when Starkiller explodes.

That isn’t the point - or even close to it. I get that it was an error the user made. It was turned off. But the issue is that Apple doesn’t care about business. So why buy a $10k imac?

Sooo, I’m guessing there are sexual harassment allegations? Yes/no? 

Let? I didn’t let it do anything. Users change settings. IT sets up their own policies and apply it company wide without understanding specific departmental needs. Shit happens when you’re overseeing a 50 machine subset of a 250 machine company.

So I’m expected to spend $50k to $100k on an initial investment on computers to have to manually search support articles for what could be a very simple email following a phone call?

Awesome! - Until you are working on a big project using a very special OS version dependent piece of software, then overnight the OS updates itself. The next morning, you log in and see it’s a new fancy OS - COOL! Then you go to open your specialized 3D animation or video editing software (Like AVID), and suddenly, it

I don’t really feel like that spoils much. There could be many reasons why she has what she does.

A quick visit to the Force.net forums will show you ALL the reasons against her being a Skywalker that exist in canon thus far, and the least and easiest of those is that there are MASSIVE narrative hoops to jump through to get him to be her father that no normal author of a story would inflict on themselves to have

I feel like this theory has to reach HARD to explain all the evidence that he isn’t her father.

There’s a great Black Mirror episode about what happens if we take the status quo to its ultimate conclusion. It’s called “Nosedive” (Season 3, Episode 1). The concept is basically that the future of Social Networking is that you get rated on every single interaction you have, and that your ultimate rating number

Actor Sophie Turner added that, unlike most of the other X-Men films to date, Dark Phoenix is supposedly gritty in a very necessary way so as to balance out its more fantastical elements.

No, the military are more professional than that. And I say that as someone who has little love for the military either, but if that had been the military they’d have ziptied the guy’s hands while he was on the ground and dragged him away as the rest of the squad covered the hallway. Not nice by any measure, but alive

You forgot the detail about how the cop had the phrase “You’re fucked” etched onto his gun.

That is the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen.