
No, she is talking about the industry at large (I actually don’t know that to be true, but I have more support for my interpretation than you do for yours). It is Jezebel that continuously brings up CK with the same recycled blurb that was as much of a misrepresentation the first time they used it as it is now, the

I’m not sure if this comment is meant as an insult or not, but... that’s a rad as hell description.

I hope to God something actually happens this time, because these cops are gonna fucking kill somebody more people at some point.

I disagree. The story is messy, and the reporting is messy. Take this piece of writing, for example, and tell me if you understand it:

Thank you for your opinion. I’ve never told them (either of my kids) it’s something to be ashamed of. I don’t know what kind of dynamic you have in your family, but just because someone has a different one does not make it worse; it’s just different. Different people fall into different roles in different families.

We don’t. This is pissing on coals while standing in a forest fire. And they way this article and the tweet it spread ignores everything he’s done since then shows it.

Um? he did apologize...six years ago when the joke was made and seemed to have learned from it.

LOL. A one-day boycott? Are they also going to boycott buying gasoline tomorrow too just to show “the man” they’re serious about ... something.

Honestly it still boggles my mind people still use and enjoy twitter.

Religion is a really good way to run a country.

They’re the same people who say there is no memorable music in the MCU, while totally ignoring the great music in the MCU.

Knowing that one takes place before the other is good enough for me.

What am I missing?

No, it’s fundamentally not a 3D image. It is a 2D image of a 3D object, a 2D projection with a fixed perspective (i.e. it’s not even faking the 3rd dimension in a way to even fake being a hologram). It very explicitly doesn’t meet the requirements of having a height, width, and length/depth because it very much does no

The produced image is not in 3D, or even a simulacrum thereof. It’s a 2D display, creating a 2D image of a 3D object, but that’s the same thing as your computer monitor. If you move left or right it’ll look exactly the same.

nope. not 3D. not a hologram.

The point is that there may never be a good time. People choose their professions mostly. Along with making the decision to become a highly educated professional that has to spend a decade preparing for said profession comes choices as to what you can and cannot have. Sometimes these choices are hard, but they are

Maybe men and women shouldn’t have children during this time if it’s such a grueling schedule. Life isn’t fair, choices have to be made.

Maybe that’s the point?

There is so much WTF with this story but...