
Slightly OT, but I love when my fb friends who own a small business list their occupation as “CEO”. No, your independent record label that is literally just you and your graphic designer buddy does not have a Board of Directors and you are not a CEO. Owner, Founder, sure. I’ll even accept “President” if that makes

I figured “Man Plays Diablo For 17 Hours On Camera” wasn’t as interesting a headline.

I hated to post it but it had to be done.

Puzder is reportedly “very tired of the abuse...”

The difference is that Trump is a demented (perhaps seriously mentally ill) soft fascist who many fear could become a hard fascist or get us into a nuclear confrontation with North Korea.

Oh man I had a wild diet coke and turkey binge the other night! I’m like several grams heavier now.

Actually, Milla’s wig is way more lifelike than the dried-out yarn on top of Kellyanne’s head.

Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”

President Agent Orange has yet to dismantle DACA, reportedly because he and his goons can’t figure out a proper way to do it. DACA absolutely remains in force. ICE is just ignoring it in some twisted attempted to please their idol the Russian puppet. This is pure jackbootery.

Update: Cecilia weighs in:

I think you might be thinking too deep about this. Maybe you should see a...

I have some news, you might want to sit down for this...

Yep, 100% - someone who knows how not to waste their money instead of waiting just because everyone else is wasting their money that day is way sexier than someone who spends all their money today because everyone else is.

I would have just waited a day and celebrated then... belated valentine’s day?

Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.

Nah, I’m getting the gummi bears that turn you into a shit fountain. For Valentine’s Day!

Nah, I’m getting the gummi bears that turn you into a shit fountain. For Valentine’s Day!

Your mother must be so proud.

Basically, she caught and dropped it into the flowers, and while reaching over to get it had it in her hands when he checked her and took it away. Also, she's 4'10". The guys a dick no matter how you look at it. It's a $5 ball and he had to take it from an older lady.