Good thing no one asked you.
Good thing no one asked you.
Chess players are ATHLETES? LMAO. Get the fuck out of my face with that garbage.
Also why hasn't anyone kicked up a fuss over the fact they've put micro-transactions in CS:GO despite it being a full price paid game. If it was EA there would be a dozen articles about it by now.
I see what you did there....and I dint like. 'Murica hater!
you just said everything that was needed to be said here. thanks.
God fucking dammit. Never posted on Kotaku before, but this lack of controversy has sufficiently irritated me enough to have to editorialize.
Fuck. This. Noise.
I didn't even know of this woman an hour ago, and i'm already sick of her shit. I read her tweet where she showed the "death threats" she got, and it's a…
See, this bugs me quite a bit. Back when she released her first video, I felt there were some problems with it, so, as best I could, I explained why I felt that way. People chose to take it as "concern trolling," and much, much worse. Her defenders, at the time, remind me of the same people who attack and deride her.
I don't think you can discount the contribution bad writing has to this. A lot of stuff is just because game writers aren't paid as much, don't get as famous, and so, obviously, just aren't as good.
9 gigs! That's so huge! People think I have infinite hard drive space just for video games.
Nor should they, really.
He shot himself in the back without a gun! No wait, he shot himself in the chest without a gun, while his hands were cuffed behind his back! But no, he had a third arm we just didn't know what to do with because there are only two cuffs! No wait, he stole an officer's gun and held a white child hostage! Actually, he…
This is your friendly reminder that youtube comparison videos are not an accurate representation of a game running live or even captured with less video compression/higher bitrate. Also, nitpicking about this stuff is silly. Games look better on the new consoles compared to last gen and the same games will (usually)…
That's one.
"In other words, the ADS may be capable of some pretty abhorrent things if put in the wrong hands."
White nervous, not black nervous. HUGE diff.
Gee, I wonder where his son learned to be a colossal douchnozzle...
You know, all this tabletop discussion has me wanting to buy up all the RIFTs sourcebooks all over again.
First things first: I've lost faith in the Kinect camera. I'm sick of hollering orders at my TV, and have been annoyed by the camera far more often than I've been served by it. There are so many small problems, and they add up to become a very big problem. It takes too long to recognize me and sign me in. It can't…