Can I just ask was anyone really surprised that Whedon wasn’t the feminist hero he was turned into?
Can I just ask was anyone really surprised that Whedon wasn’t the feminist hero he was turned into?
Still don’t understand why they don’t just release the classic games for the Switch.
Given that the reboot of the cult classic is missing two key ingredients—Guillermo Del Toro and original star Ron Perlman—
Most of my life, I wanted nothing to do with kids. That only changed when I fell in love and married my best friend. I didn’t want kids because I knew that my parents wanted to be grandparents. I didn’t want kids because all of our friends had them. I didn’t want kids because, despite a pretty shitty childhood, I…
Guess how many shits I give. No, really, I’ll wait.
For fuck’s sake. It’s called angst.
When women claim abuse...
Whatever. That incident had nothing to do with a confederate statue and everything to do with a crackpot that likes to blow things up.
I really hate this chat-log format. I’m guessing you don’t podcast stuff like this because you know precisely how lame it sounds.
Hm. Interesting read. My takeaway is that this fandom needs to grow the hell up. Or check themselves into a clinic.
Nice hit piece by his ex. She must be in need of cash. Where you put your dick has fuck all to do with feminism. It’s how you put your dick in places that matters.
George resigned too.
I know, right? Totally sucks that everything has to start somewhere. I mean, why can’t stuff start in the middle, or better yet, at the victorious end?
Are people really missing the message here?
Exactly. Former presidents prosecute bad people all the time. In fact...
But the idea that such a statement would actually stem the tide of resurgent white nationalism is a naive fantasy, one that offers little comfort to the people whose lives are actually being put in danger by the Trump administration.
Looks like my kind of game. Not buying a PS4 for this. Good job, devs.
...she texted me and said I was the first guy who didn’t make a comment about her fucking black guys.