
@Count_Zero_Interrupt: Good tactic...thats how I unloaded my 3g on ebay for the same price I bought it for but jailbroken. Then I went out and got a brand new iPhone 4 2 months later, which has horrible phone reception even if you dont touch the lines.

DEAR GOD THATS AWESOME! Where's the Giant death robot?

Also, background music at 3:12 is totally an Apple Loop from Garageband. I find those really distracting.

Is it my imagination or is this narrated by Theoden, king of Rohan?

Man, between this, the 24-hr circular shot from yesterday, and the weekly shooting challenges, Giz has been serving up some pretty mind-blowing photos lately. I like my gadget news spiced with awesome images.

@blyan is not on fire: After they fall "From your punch" ill be right behind you kicking while they are down.

It needs the proper logo.

Most importantly where is it made? USA, CHINA?

Pixelation we love pixelation.


@Slash3: My jailbroken iPhone 4 with free case from apple drops calls left and right. Im better off making a GV call with talkatone using the 3g service.

Make sure this guy never gets a job managing gas. Probably go out for a smoke on his breaks and tempt fate.

Pyrimidish eh? Give it 2000 years and our great grandchildren will be thinking aliens made it.

Engineering marvels...they will be around as long as the pyramids. Makes you think maybe they were built for a similar purpose eh?

@niccohel: So why not install a tomb stone for your stop block ;)

@Garybaldy: I was talking about the power button to turn off the car.

@Garybaldy: What happens if it malfunctions your in the car running "its a toyota" and you cant turn it off because you dont know how to push a button and you go down inside with your car running?