
Hockney studied the old masters in learning to paint. Why would you expect him to be able suddenly come up with remarkable works when limited to the iPad?

@tihodo: hahah must be a blast to watch movies w this guy.

Can someone explain why it appears red as the shadow crosses over? Something to do with red being the longest wavelength of the visible spectrum?

@ZachMatthews: Their customer service and return policy are unbelievable. Everyone is super friendly there and they never ask any questions about requests for replacements.

What bacon thing? The eating of it? I don't see how that could get old. Bacon isn't a fad, it's breakfast.


Given how much these phones do, the fact that none of the individual components costs even $30 (on the "Detailed Component" tab) is mind-blowingly impressive.

@JRApps: True. I stand corrected.

@LTA: Estonia is backed by the USA, it was also part of Russia at one time so they helped build the info structure.

@baldbeaver: What you talking bout willis? Ive got a whole box of em for you.

I sometimes forget that a fair number of Giz writers are in England (or, at least, originate from commonwealth countries) and the use of the adjective "bloody" always catches me off guard. I suppose I'll have to familiarize myself with which writers come from what places, and check the authors before reading the

The part about fruit seems really dumb. I have northern European ancestry, and you know what? A lot of northern Europeans had scurvy from not getting enough fruit. But dietary deficiencies don't always mean less reproductive opportunities, which is why, as he puts it, "the lineage somehow survived." But that doesn't

@BeyondtheTech: God forbid there should be a service interruption with your ISP. That'll be the new "dog ate my homework."

I'm going to keep my kids on a leash. A short leash that can't be used in anyway as a bungee cable.

You had an $1100 tv in your dorm room? Personally I'd rather spill beer or accidentally throw darts into something in the $150 range...

Finally, a doctor gets some money!

@Duc: That's a lot of work for a joke about a movie a lot of people have never seen. Still, neat graphs!

@HotSoup: Scratch that, I did a more specific search and was able to look further back through the results. I was beat by roughly 10 million people.