
tell that to cybertruck drivers

Even more interesting, I think some drivers actually aim for them

Who spilled mud in my mclaren?

While that is true, people need to remember that pretty much every possible open body of water is conductive(and corrosive):

that was an easy 11 milion choice to make, the sad part is that probably the lawyers will get most if not all the money

well... technically, once the insurance gets involved, they own it right?

they should be manual only releases to begin with, no one will figure this convoluted crap out in a panic situation

what happens if a large number of customers get scammed? and the 25k doesn’t cover it?

or a banner that covers the previus sign ending with a 5 ...

yah, but if the number of people screwed is say 25 50… good luck getting any

fonts? how about having a temporary printed banner … covering something up that ends in a 5(probably pevious business name)

eeeeh we dont talk about that - just NASA and the countless atomic bomb tests

Ok, subtitle:

Get your well deserved star for keeping me engaged more than the link in the article

Maybe post link to the tool they used? You know since I hear that disabled electric cars are hard to get out of.

Now playing

Hey look, a bulletproof windows that can well …. roll down

I see this article being filled with jealousy

I think that is exactly why airlines are lobying against it

but it makes for hilarious reading:

what do you mean ☺ he invented it while stuck in traffic
He is the longest living genius he was alive in 1850 when he invented it: