
at the cell level it very much is - it is the same cell you use in your vape, more or less :)

you answered your own question, nobody wants to sell you a bunch of cells for like 500 bucks, they want to sell you the whole damn pack for 20k, I think tesla invested more in exactly this - making sure you cannot even repair sections of battery in a shop.

Desn’t someone need like high voltage electrician/journeyman certification to work on these and not, you know, die?

I think even better : make them wear ankle bracelet, and force them to give monthly speeches - I was young drunk and stupid, and I ruined my life this way.

it means exactly like the craigslist “ran when parked”

This bad:

God dam, the article even claims “stone wall” I mean seriously, how many stones you have to pile until it becomes a wall? Because to me it looks like this is just a 2 feet tall long pile of stones... I am definitely not an architect, but I have been told walls have you know .. concrete to hold the stones together?

maybe he was just adjusting that air conditioning in that futuristic screen without any buttons or knobs inconveniently placed in the middle of the car. this would be magnitudes worse for a person wearing glasses

Amen! wait until AI robots decide when to slam you into barriers, because of a computer glitch! (when the ambulance comes the screen will say, update complete!)

Would you like to go remind him that he was aware? Because evidence suggests he forgot that he was aware ...

No it is not, self driving requires you to also give Musk like 10K for the feature, so he can monitor you while you driving :)

then right away there is a picture more blurred than bigfoot sightings :)

Yeah, the bull lost its balls

God damn i would like to be able to suck so bad at my job and still get paid milions a year! I would also hapily hand over the keys

Can you find the details of that? I want in!

Now playing

God damn from the title I expoected this:

They will sell it to Tesla and call it GigaPress … 

cocaine and PCP impaired” and the autopilot saying “you are over the speed limit” - if anything that would improve their trip on shrooms making it more entertaining

well … he conveniently forgot when he paid himself one dollar a year, but rewarded itself 55BLN bonus: