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Well like everything tesla, they live in a virtual reality, it is called Knight Rider truck :)

I think one other option you might consider is using this service: https://wegolook.com/

Yes because teslas with radar are not really crashing into things, so “for our customers safety, we decided to remove it”

Yo Bru, there are som’ big ‘ol pistons cumin’ all over us!

Like many cultures, China has a word for a concept of expedient, sometimes clever, sometimes half-ass corner-cutting called chabuduo, which means something like “good enough.”

Don’t worry, they will teach you in school starting next year, when they find out that the Chinese were actually able to bring a car to the market with a measly 775 k

What’s so hard to understand? Jeep redline has been improved a lot by an RV.

If you ever travel to south texas, I think i found your beetle heaven

Came here for this, and also adding some sarcasm:

There is a post of the crash it seems:

I am sorry but with that hair, the mustache is just fitting

Renault Thinks Alpine Can Make A ‘Mini Ferrari’

Please excuse yourself and get out, we need some fun and some spice in our life okay?

Welcome to the new san francisco ... where the hate for cars is so great that locals park outside the city limits... have you wondered how many pedestrians killed were on their phone? doing facetime? educating them is too difficult?

It has a missing stick shift problem, that’s why!

Yeah, well, here in america instead of educating kids to look both ways before crossing the street, we reduce the speed limit to 5mph if possible. We encourage people to get dumber, and invent tach to make up for it. sounds like the complete Idiocracy script..

And while you are at pointing bad things about tesla, could you point out to his “highness” that electronic door latches is the same exact thing an the aerodynamic gain of 20% only applies to the handle not to the entire car.

It does look like an upside down penis in every way!

Russian hackers:

Is that the reason I am confusing it’s face with it’s a$$?