
Alternatively, they were convinced that even with damaged brain they can outperform women.

“Japan is behind on (car) technology”= Behind on secondary and mostly pointless bling like full touch screen controls and competing in putting the most HP on a car just because?. ... yeah same here LOLWUT?!

Seriously, are we ever even going to try real driver education and training? This never ending cycle of trying to engineer safer cars instead of engineering safer drivers is the pits.

$160,000? You could get a speedy car for that money. Speedier than that.

The irony of modern life - speaking out loud to electronic gadgets but only communicating with people via text and emoji.

Or, for $24,000,000,000, you could just buy all 585,000 people in Wyoming a new F150. They would be slower, but I guarantee they would get used a lot more.

Because ride and handling won’t matter? Because people don’t consider those traits benchmarks of performance?

Whats the bet that the first buyer in the door will want this in a King Ranch/Harley Davidson/Fat Ass special edition with 2000lbs of extraneous crap?

Bangle, just go away. You fucked up design for the last decade and it only seems to be getting worse:

@Neutral. BMW already has an identity crisis. They don’t know if they want to be the driver’s luxury car or the comfortable luxury car. Recent reviews of regular (re: non-M cars) have been scathing, describing the driving experience as little better than your run-of-the-mill Camry or Malibu. At least they have the


They’re all boring, because that is their purpose. Take an activity that can elicit a range of emotions, and strip everything away until it is so dull, you’ll just go to sleep.

just need to mount a fleshlight in the middle and I’d probably be okay with this

I’d also like to add safety devices (airbags and seatbelts) Most modern cars have not only a bunch of airbags but seat belt pre-tensioners. These use a pyrotechnic charge to pull all the slack out of your belt during a crash. If these propellants get wet bad things can happen. Depending on the chemistry the propellant

The collision damage is a stylistic improvement to all the strange jagged edged styling the car has.

My gripe with the average car’s styling is that beauty doesn’t cost more. Someone made a conscious decision to draw an unattractive shape. It’s a form of vandalism, or littering or even pollution. When I complain about these ugly cars, it’s not to be mistaken for a desire for more ‘striking’ cars. The Karma is like

“Choose. Choose the form of the Destructor.”

How about the Kwame Kilpatrick Center for the Arts, Teen Drama, and Feelings?

No love for fiction?