
This is simultaneously the funniest and the most depressing post that I have read on Jezebel today.


Starting from the assumption that it would require all three outfielders and both middle infielders to have simultaneous strokes for Colon to score an inside-the-park home run, and given that (per the Cleveland Clinic) the incidence of stroke in healthy, non-smoking 27-year-old men (the average age of an MLB player)

In the headline, rather than "Enough" I would suggest "Sufficiently."

Thank you for investigating and clarifying. That "send our thoughts and our prayers" crap struck me as suspiciously non-corporate phrasing.

Congratulations on being named a Badminton Club Organizer—or whatever the fuck BCO stands for. Looking forward to a sustained diet of your articles.

Not that I needed another reason to be scornful of anything Cowboys-related, but I'll happily add this one to the pile. Thanks!

I dunno about the analogy. You can get spackle in some snazzy colors these days.

You're absolutely right that Ryan Zimmerman is getting a zoo's-worth of shit he doesn't deserve. I watched last night's game on the Brewers feed, and in the pre-game their color-analyst clod was talking about Zimmerman as if he were playing with prosthetic limbs. That catch Z. made in the 14th (? I was pretty sleepy)

Crap. Have you EVER seen Greg Dobbs get a hit? I haven't. (I'm watching the 6/25 Brewers game.)

"Whackadoodles" is such an ugly, divisive term. Can't we call them "Corrosive Festering Colon Blockages" instead?

Ah, the Cardinals: putting the "act" in Class Act.

Not sure that you did ...

Jeepers: as joke fodder, this story seems like the lowest of low-hanging fruit. But damned if anyone—and I include myself—can get a handle on it.

I yell "Aw Shit!" all the time—most often, just when I wake up—and no one pays any attention. These phenomena are likely related.

That settles it: Go Portugal!

Notably, there was Holofernes experience of the Judith Effect.

If I could put together a one-day Nats broadcast squad dream-team, I think I would put you in the press box with Tom Boswell, and for play-by-play, I'd opt for Gary Thorne, who calls (as you know) for the Orioles. Who would you pick?

That's "DL" ... I'll assume the high-and-inside fastball to the dome in high school made the typo.

Q.E.D. Cardinals fan = dickhead