
This is a minor point maybe, but the Methodist church is usually pretty progressive (the one in my neighborhood looks like a meetup for Subaru outback enthusiasts on Sunday morning). Obviously, there are outliers, but it just feels like someone googled “church baton rouge” because of the huge disconnect.

I feel like they should have known something was amiss when he decided to wear a suit tailored from a literal garbage bag.

Where’s the fun if we don’t give ourselves a handicap, right. I fully expect that Clinton’s going to do the first debate blindfolded.

Between this and those times Lindsey Graham goes off script I have no choice but to conclude that the RNC got a bad shipment of whatever mind control drug it uses to keep every party member docile and in line.

I’m sure they’re thinking “it’ll start raining any day now and then we’ll see who’s laughing [maniacal cackle] “

bigass boat, to be kept firmly on dry land because why not?

I’m sorry, “Cassandra”? Sounds like some heathen nonsense to me. More like you’re no Samuel, maybe.

I happen to live in a 1/8 scale model of America located in the back of a model train store so I know exactly what he’s talking about.

I actually love this model of college generally. Prioritize learning things; don’t make colleges grim, four year resorts with a nominal "education" component.

Are we just OK calling T. S. Eliot a “British essayist?” Like, I know he adopted Britain as his home or whatever and he wrote essays but still...

Adichie is really great and smart and this conversation she did with Zadie Smith is fantastic and charming as hell:

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is that same bad guy with a gun.

I just assumed she was one of those so commenters whose aunt’s friend’s dog makes $20,000 from home on Ask Jeeves.

Please forgive my ignorance. Nancy Grace doesn’t work for Fox News??? I have been laboring under the most terrible error. who is the lady on the morning show with the used of q-tip and the other guy?

Even granting a woman feels regret over the termination of a pregnancy, it doesn’t necessarily follow that she made the wrong choice. She may, in some sense, be subject to bad constitutive moral luck or have been, so to speak, between a rock and a hard place, so that either bringing a fetus to term or aborting it will

This is an untapped tourist market! You could always lock yourself in Mr. Rochester’s attic, go hang out on Crusoe island for a few year tending your bean rows, join a whaling expedition...

Your position makes sense, but I’m unsure it addresses at least some of the anxiety around trigger warning, justified or not. I think a lot of people see trigger warnings as a way of banishing ‘problematic’ texts from the classroom, or at least changing their context a lot. While in college I experienced one or two

I remember hearing somewhere also that she is also descended from Alfred Dreyfus, of Dreyfus Affair notoriety