
So, I thought I saw two same sex couples when Jane was doing this week's hugs sequence, but maybe those two women and those two men further in the back of the line showed up by themselves, saw everyone lined up in pairs and thought nothing of it.

And when I saw Mack hooked up to the contraption, I pleaded, "Don't kill the black guy."

Was too focused on which timeline does Wayne Tech and Queen Inc merge.

I would like Constantine but only when the site gets back to reviewing Grimm.

The couples who hugged Jane were both interracial, so why they gotta have all the issues? And there exists in the world a perception where darker folk are so keen and easy to breed. A racist perception.

That awesome moment you realize all the couples and most the affairs and hook-ups are interracial.

Funny enough I was saying all season they were bound to sex, but when this scene came around, in my head I heard, "Don't die for snatch!"

he said*

"Why am I rooting for the macabre psychopaths?" Me when Datak and Stahma murdered their cronies.

When was the last time anyone left one of those?

"ASWANG!" is what I mentally shout every time I see Drew Wu.

Considering there would have been about 8 or so people knowing Nick's former Grimmness, it'd have been fine. If they did make it to reception and Nick was revealed, that would just mean more Wesen to play flag football with. I'm more shocked more Eisbiber didn't recognise the guy, considering Bud's loose mouth, and

Please refer to Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi's post, then you'll understand the humour when people intentionally or otherwise mix up Morpheus with Mace.

Here's to hoping Samuel L Jackson has more screen time in Man Of Steel 2.

Thought Baelson when Charming was giving his speech.

He gets paid, we don't. Woes of crowdsurfing.

Once Truble is tempered, that's one terrific weapon for the good guys.

Dallas' red shift of a dress, the wonderful mistakes George is bound to do. *sweats*

"It seems once again my soul has found yours."
"I don't speak French— but I know, right?"

Victor did warn me to avoid you at all costs.