
Not for the kids it isn’t. I would hope any parent feels the same, including Brad.

God I hope so.

It’s so heteronormative, it’s embarrassing. I should be in charge of Logo’s dating show department. Here are some of my ideas:

When I started junior high, my new best friend, unlike my elementary school friends, had a stay-at-home mom. I made the mistake of bitching to my mom that she, unlike Maria’s mom, was never home until dinnertime and I had to sit in an empty house and... So Mom took a week off and met me at the door with cookies every

Let me tell you, kids, those were the days. Mondays and Thursdays, an hour of Jazzercise set to a 90s soundtrack. Shiny leggings, giant t-shirts, chunky socks and Reeboks. Me and my friend in the back row fucking up the steps. After class, a smoke in the parking lot and then a stop at Dairy Queen. Heaven.

I was a young’un in the late 80's. So this was my version of that kind of workout wear:

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

We don’t usually call it anything, but the evening starts like this:

Seems a little weird/creepy to me.

I always kept a sleeve of diapers from the box in my car, same as the wipes. Add a onesie and you’re always prepared. 2nd child should be here any day, probably should throw those in there soon.

They laughed at my job. I laughed at their screams!

My grandmother also basically raised me. My mother is currently our only source of daycare, watching our 6 month old 4 days a week for 10-12 hours a day. She was SO INTO IT in theory and now that he’s here and I’m back at work you can tell it’s not what she expected it to be. She’s 58, she hasn’t had a job in 20+

“Because society/family/friends think I should” is a terrible reason to have kids. Signed, Married and Childless with Zero Regrets.

Florida woman would like to add “shaving your nether regions” to the list.

thats how I feel about lyft cars

I’m just waiting for when “open concept” goes out of style and all these motherfuckers have to put their walls back up. Would you like to feel like you live in a $400,000 studio apartment? It’s great to keep an eye on the toddlers while you’re cooking, but how about when they are teenagers and there is no where to

Ok, but can you bring the doll to a restaurant?