i moved desks so new burner

Camilla was arguably the weakest vocally (at least in my opinion) so...honestly this is fine? Also-

Oh wow, I’m surprised you still think KCMO is better, I bet you’ve had to deal with some out of control MU fans. That’s another weird thing about being on the other side of the state line, I’m 100% in Jayhawk territory, even though I’m only 15 minutes away from Missouri.

Spotted the fellow KCMO person. ;) But no really, I live on the other side of the line now for convenience with work, and I still make it clear I’m from the Missouri side.

Mostly because it would make a lot of sense if the flight happened before last Friday, the Chiefs vs. Raiders game last Friday had a brawl between the two sets of fans in the stands. Ohhh, my hometown, we can always bring out the trashy.

Of fucking course they were coming from Oakland to KC. Holy christ.

I mean, it’s not academy award winning by any means...but it was incredibly enjoyable.

Yeah, this is where I agree. I feel like she could have recovered from the whole Knocked Up thing and probably even spun her statements into something like a brand, maybe been the front of the Hollywood!feminism train, but she fucked things over with Shonda, and took away her means to keep working when movies wouldn’t

The only movie I ever saw in this genre that I actually enjoyed was the one with Beyonce and Ali Larter. Everything else can go home.

I just had the horrifying thought that he would probably consider Tomi Lahren or however you spell her name at least a seven...

Heard it a lot on the radio growing up when the soft rock station changed to Christmas music after Thanksgiving, it was never a song my mom purposefully chose to play, but she would turn it up if it came on the radio. I did discover that it’s one of my favorites when I made a Christmas playlist last week to avoid

Bobby, I can always count on you for the real news. Also uh, are there any reports of them looking for new members? Asking for a friend.

Marginally more experienced in fandom here, I’m going to forecast that there is an 85-90% chance it will be the end of him. He will have his absolute diehards, but unless he does some serious damage control and image boosting in the next five years, no one will touch him after this.

TFW you repeatedly go to bat for someone and then they pull this shit. Picture that unimpressed emoji here.

This is just my initial impression while watching it, there may be some deeper analysis to be had, but what I got from it was that Amy Adams must be punished for exercising autonomy over her own body. I also didn’t care for the way some nude female bodies were posed, or for the opening credits, which featured extended

I have very few opinions this year, with the exception of wanting Moonlight to take home everything it’s nominated for, and for Nocturnal Animals to not win a goddamned thing. Saw it last Friday and I just really, really did not care for what it was trying to say.

I have a playlist of about twenty Christmas songs I can stand, and I avoid all others like the plague. The worst part is, my girlfriend is an absolute Christmas nut and wants to start the holiday cheer the day after Halloween. I have to put my foot down and insist there be absolutely no holly or reindeer or fat man in

It’s delicious!

Poor girl, I think she was a bigger deal in the UK, but since she’s been trying to make herself happen Stateside, I think she’s kind of fell off the public consciousness over there too.

Tbh, Mind of Mine was his first try at a The Weeknd impression.

I laughed SO HARD when I heard about this shit yesterday. I have repeatedly struggled to give Zayn the benefit of the doubt over the last year, but after all his going on about artistic integrity and writing for himself and only doing what he wants to musically, it seriously cracks me the fuck up that he was totally