
“…all while the right actively sexualizes and harms children.”

We all may hate Trump, but how can paying someone to not talk about sex be a crime in any universe?

I’d love to stick something into two slits. Just sayin’!

I only have one question: How does this film support and uplift trans-identity?

And the award for the stupidest unrelated Trump post goes to…

You can read minds?

Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya…

Does he mean “people” should be eradicated or the mental illness known as “transgenderism”? Wouldn’t it be good if people didn’t believe they had to mutilate themselves and take dangerous drugs to be content?

Do you think there has never been anyone who thought they were transgender but were just having temporary psychological problems? Or l, do you think if a 5 year old boy says “I’m a girl” they should immediately have their weenus amputated?

Lobot likes embedded devices!

In the future, we will have evolved beyond the need to eliminate waste.

Space Snapple bottle.

Space rest stops.

“Pregnant people” LOL.

The odd thing is that you think this problem just exists with Fox News and not also with CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc.

Oh, please do shut up.

No one believes that.

I think it is homophobic that they said the fungal plague on the show started spreading through gay sex.

Don’t mis-gender a  pre-trans! There are no cisgenders, ONLY PRE-TRANS!!!

It can’t be worse than Starbucks.