
It could have been worse. His first attempt to reset the machine was with his penis.

Apparently his hand was caught in the moving machinery for upwards of 5 minutes. I am sure TLC can turn this into a special where teams compete to make a cake depicting Buddy’s hand being crushed in a pin setting machine.

So, she didn’t get hurt, right? It sounds like a happy ending. Why did the fool stop in the middle of the lane and then sit in the car with the music blaring? Any idiot knows that you turn down your crappy music when you get pulled over. Dumbasses like this put themselves and police in danger.

It seems the Democrat leaning Biden supporters are the ones out rioting every night and attacking people, no? 

This obsession with race is sick. 

If you believe someone can be transgender you MUST accept people can be transracial. If someone can change their biological traits through declaration certainly they can change social traits (like race) through declaration. You can’t tell someone how they should be able identify themselves.

But Trump ended Obama’s baby cage policy. Also, isn’t a crib just another word for “baby cage”?

When you say “they are killing us en masse” you mean other black people, correct?

I hope the people so upset about Krug were also just as outraged by Elizabeth Warren AKA Fauxcahontas:

This is a stupid take, Trump giving a speech at a September 11th event is standard issue politician stuff. Humans have always given respect to people who risk their lives performing brave acts.

Why should she get a show on Fox? Should the fake Indian Elizabeth Warren get a show on Fox?

Agreed, if you believe in trans-genderism you MUST believe in trans-racialism. I mean, gender is biological, yet race is a social construct. If one can change their gender then surely they can change their race.

Trump bashes Harris’ liberal voting record and you say he bashes her because of her ”lady bits” and race? That is just like dumb, shouldn’t Harris be treated like an adult and have to answer for her record, or does her race/gender make her off limits to criticism? Biden and Harris are the ones playing on racist fears

The Washington Post said Harris had the most liberal voting record in the Senate (left of Sanders), are they lying?Isn’t being liberal a good thing, why are you upset about that label?

Trump quotes the Washington Post about Harris’ leftist voting record and a that makes him racist? Is it racist when the Washington post says it? You mentioned race a lot in this article, is there a quote where Trump mentions Harris’ race here? And you say Trump bashes non-rich white men, but he also bashes rich white

You can hate Trump without lying. Trump clearly said that some illegal immigrants who were coming over the border from Mexico were violent criminals and some, he assumed, were nice people. Are you suggesting that no criminal has ever come from Mexico to the US?

Why do you thank him? How did learning that “history” improve your life?

So if someone wears hoop earrings they are engaging in cultural appropriation?