
Warren you say...

They get their booty judged. And, as to you second comment, I totally agree. White folk are corny as heck!

It is “peas in a pod”. And, Bloomberg is 1000x more times more sexist and disgusting than Trump ever was, so if Bloomberg is the nominee I hope you vote for the lesser of two evils.

Actually there aren’t reports anywhere near this bad about Trump.

“...without much reservation”...LOL. I see what you did there!

Do black Americans support Bernie’s plan for the US government/taxpayer to pay for healthcare, childcare, and education for all illegal immigrants or would they rather have that money spent in their communities? Hell, Bernie won’t even get rid of illegal alien criminals so we will be funding their lifestyles as well.

If you don’t date trans-men, you are trans-phobic!

He should have said “hey, we have a lot in common, for example, we both love the taste of dick!”

Warren is annoying as hell, she sounds like an old lady complaining about her incorrect prescription at CVS. All she says is “we need, we need, we need”, it is a super annoying verbal tic.

Doomberg is the perfect candidate for the Dems. A privileged old, white billionaire!

Shows you:

Warren lies constantly. She lied about her race, she lied about the fact her grandparents had to elope due to racism, she lied about being fired for being pregnant, and she lied about not sending her kids to private school. She was also once a Republican and now she claims to be a “progressive Democrat”. Why would

Biden does not want to be president. He often tells people on the campaign trail “if you don’t like that...go vote for the other guy”, when challenged on something. If you really want the presidency, you try to persuade people, you don’t say ‘vote for the other guy’. He is literally telling people to not vote for him.

Yes the message of “I am going to give you ‘free shit’ (by stealing from other people!)” often resonates with people, even if there is no way they can deliver it and we inevitably wind up worse off.

“Full-stop” is what you say when you don’t have a good argument...so you say “full-stop” as if you don’t have to provide supporting evidence. Bernie says, although he doesn’t really know the actual cost of his “plans”, they are estimated to cost several times the GDP of the nation every year (between 60-80 trillion a

Sanders is the “Democrat version of Trump”. A populist candidate who is not supported by the party but has true, grass-roots support. Both Sanders and Trump ran on a platform of “let’s tear down the system”, except Trump just wanted to really get rid of the ossification of the political class in order to unshackle

Rights are things like the freedom to speak you mind, and the freedom to associate with whom you choose. Nothing that costs money can be a “right”. The only people who don’t understand that are children and idiots.

Bloomberg shows us his NDA and Warren showed us her DNA...guess what? She is a fake Native American who lied about her race to jump in front of the line and take the place of a real person of color! Is that kind of “ally” we want?

Is she promoting official GOOP branded face-masks in designer colors? I heard this kills the virus: