If Mueller couldn’t find this collusion with over two years, endless financial resources, and unlimited investigative and law enforcement power, either Trump is the biggest mastermind genius in history or it didn’t happen. Which is it?
If Mueller couldn’t find this collusion with over two years, endless financial resources, and unlimited investigative and law enforcement power, either Trump is the biggest mastermind genius in history or it didn’t happen. Which is it?
Where is you evidence? We have the lowest unemployment rate is 50 years and wages are now averaging over 27/hr. Blacks, Latinos and women have record employment numbers. Even high school dropouts are employed in record numbers. I think the biggest fear of Democrats is not that Trump will do a bad job, but rather it is…
It is so sad that our predictions of Trump’s and America’s imminent downfall are being disproven every day. I mean, come on! Us enlightened progressives just sound stupid now...after two years of false claims, we have absolutely zero credibility. We keep losing and Trump keeps winning every single day. It is as though…
Don’t tell me how WWII ended! I haven’t finished watching Saving Ryan’s Privates.
In the 1940s, they tried turning mickeys ears in a few shorts. This approach was eventually scrapped.
They have leaked then new design!
I have mocked up your design:
So US law enforcement is to blame because America has a border? We don’t blame people for their own decision to not just come in legally?
So, from your story about WWII, you are saying we should NOT have free government welfare, but that meals and services should be provided to those in need at low cost, like the casseroles you mention. This is correct.
The Black Panthers in the beginning of this story had the correct approach, in that they were voluntarily providing the services for their community with donated resources. This is good! However, the idea that the tax-payers should be feeding and babysitting other people’s kids is really stupid. I chose not to have…
Remember John Belushi with “Hamburger! Hamburger!”. That was GOLD!!!!!!!!!!
I regularly inject semen! Well, into other people, that is!
You need to take a civics class, the AG is part of the Executive Branch and an employee of the President.
Kind of like Hillary was “receptive” to paying money to Russian intelligence for a pee party story.
What is that thing, friend? Please enlighten us.
How can one be accused of “obstruction of justice” for the “firing of Mueller”, which is an event that never happened? Do we now convict people of crimes for simply “wishing” for something?
Back in my day, every frat bro got one free rape a semester!
The “grand bargain” is saving the Constitution and saving America. I know many of us don’t support Trump, but he was elected fairly and that is our system. If you simply want Trump removed “no matter what” it means that you hate our Constitution, hate Democracy, and hate America.
Yes it has!
It sounds like you hate elections. I am glad that fascists like you don't have any power.