oh vienna

Bonus: the most skin-crawlingly creepy version of "Wicked Game" ever recorded.

Not being Canadian, I have no sense of the Tragically Hip other than having occasionally heard of them off and on over the years… but the comments in this thread have really piqued my interest. Recommendations for places to start?

You forgot: he doesn't need to rape anyone, he's famous

Watch out, she's got an army!

And aviator-frame glasses with transition lenses that seem to be stuck halfway between indoor and outdoor shade.

I like the reference to "modern history," which presumably started around 1960 or so.

Another great-grandparent checking in. This was probably the first record I ever bought with my own money. Mow my lawn before you get off it, millennial whippersnappers!

I saw him last year perform the entirety of The Pleasure Principle. Prepare to be blown away — he puts on an INCREDIBLE show, and his band is fucking great.

I used to watch this video in the pre-MTV days on Night Flight or Video Concert Hall (along with his live performance of the ultra-creepy "Down in the Park")… it absolutely blew my 10-year-old mind. "Cars" opened me up to a world of music, particularly Bowie and punk, that I don't think I would have encountered

Not that I'm aware of…but don't the banal lyrics exhorting us to hold hands and build a wall kind of sound like it? (Come to think of it, that makes it sound more like a Trump campaign song.)

Checking in from the future, where I just binged the first three seasons in about 3 weeks, to say that I am delighted that my fervent prayers for a little Ultravox love on the soundtrack have finally been answered.

As far as I'm concerned, the Precious Fucking Aeroplane can crash right into the Goddamn Sea.

I love the Roses like mad, but this strikes me as an only slightly better than average World Cup anthem. That said, if it portends a U.S. tour, I'll happily go see them (even after having seen them twice back in the day and being well aware that Ian Brown can't carry a tune in a bucket in concert). Watching John

You sound pretty hot to Trotsky.

Incidentally, the band name is entirely contemporary, too. If they wanted to properly pay homage to the '80s, they would be called The Vacancies (or possibly The Vacanseez, if they wanted to go for the ironic phonetic spelling).

Speaking as an Old who was a connoisseur of early '80s synthpop in the actual early '80s: the instrumentation is pretty close, but the vocals are totally contemporary, thus making this not anything like the zenith of the style.

Fuckin' minor keys, how do they work?

"Older feminists back Clinton 100%"

Christoph Waltz + Tom Stoppard + costume porn + tulip-based economic bubbles = literally all I could ever want in a film.