
3 minutes earlier that container was filled with water.

The Judge suddenly and unexpectedly mangled ESPNs plans from what I can tell.

I love it when Deadspin goes after Ol’ B.S.

as soon as someone says the word “creator” everyone loses their mind and whatever your personal feelings are about church, your family, and society come rushing out. It’s tiresome.

I think we will determine the eventual NCAA punishment.

They also have no say in their employer and very little input as to their wages, which are largely pre determined.

Honestly to make this better I’d just remove most/all activities that involved a football.

Triscuts are the best and I am willing to fight you right now to prove it.

Oyster crackers you eat because you want to.

Story: Rare good sports ownership family does good thing.

Democrat proudly endures persecution while growing in conviction. What you say when the political parties are reversed while same thing happens.

Protesters / large crowds - Democrat

I think Luke probably just decided to let the Jedi order die.

When someone new is altering the facts to fit there views it tends to piss off the people who previously had been altering the facts fit THEIR views.

Let’s poke fun at Melania for doing the same thing every other incoming First Lady has ever done.

Anything for Wii U owners would be appreciated. Absolutely anything.


You can thank Hulk Hogan for politics invading your gadget blog.

Man’s last walk on the Moon was 1972. 1-9-7-2. Now we want to harness the power of our solar system and contact aliens? Sure we do.

From experience I can say Bubble Guppies does a hell of a job keeping 3 - 4 year olds sitting still.