
You forgot to add, “Go Broncos!” at the end.

Guys, we need to stop. This guy PLAYED THE GAME. Maybe even past High School.

Time travel.... real. Hogan Tape......destroyed.

We were wrong. Trees were conscious.

It feels good to be on the Lily King side of Truth and Justice when it comes to athletes and doping. Now, just a quick word about this Olympic Swim meet.

If she had an intellectual disability I may agree with you. However where she falls on the spectrum is more of an emotional and behavioral barrier. My daughter is bright, reads well, and picks up material quickly. Passing tests has never been an issue for her. However, most days something outside her or the classrooms

Glad to do it. I feel the same way you do.

I would agree with you. I just wanted to put my Home School point of view out there since it was the general topic.

Thank you for this article. I don’t believe Home School is for every family. I never thought it would be for mine. However, I think for us and other families it can be an answer.

Hot Take: Japan should never get this game.

Which one of you hates Bill Simmons the most?

So today, everyone that was killing KD for a lack of loyalty has to have the same take about the Heat right??

If I’m being honest it was the E Coli outbreak at Jack in the Box.

The problem is you can’t divorce Splatoon from the Wii U, especially the Wii U game pad. The game was built to make use of the second screen and motion controls. Without that pad it is not the same game. Sadly, the Wii U game pad is expensive, useless, and generally sucks for almost every game not named Splatoon.

I want to love something as much a Deadspin writers love going after Bill Simmons.

Worthless unless we can Jurassic Park that bird.

Nikoloz Tskitishvili was supposed to get the number to Joel. Just forgot.

Simple Version: Swap MJ for Lebron on the 2016 Cavs. Let’s say 23 is at the peak of his powers. No way on earth they beat the Warriors, much less come back from 3-1. Swap Lebron for MJ on any of the 90's Bulls teams. Probably still 6 for 6 on titles. MJ was a great defender - but probably not physically capable (even