Thank you for the clarification.
Thank you for the clarification.
In Indiana, at least as of 2013, only one person needed to know you were being recorded via audio or video. That one person, of course, would be the one doing the recording. Public or Private property...
How is he not “satisfied” with the response? They fucking fixed it. What more does he fucking want? A parade?!
If American’s are intellegent (wow, can’t believe I just said that) they should know that these low gas prices are not going to stick around.
And then some asshole with a 1971 Ford Pinto parking in the electric only spot and the apartment complex giving some BS rule about, “Well, they have to be parked there 24 hours before we can tow them...”
“My grandma could beat the game if she saved as much as you did.” - Postal 2
How does it frustrate paying customers? Please... Enlighten me?
Sounds like you are just trying to come up with reasons to justify your theft.
Picked up the Demo of ‘Life is Strange’ cause it showed up in my Steam Queue.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a fucking outhouse with no TP and a full hole of shit, They have intentions to do harm. They’re fucking terrorists and they need to be dealt with.
You are just as dumb as they are.
Identity Politics? Oh god. Fuck you.
Interesting. Cause when my wife was in a car accident a few months ago, she needed blood and the hospital didn’t fucking have any. Luckily we have the same blood type and I was a match.
That’s actually a thing. There is a group called the B-List or the Bravos or whatever, that feel that it’s women’s fault they are failures, and will do anything to get revenge on them.
When I was the Sys. Admin a local highschool, they had an issue with a lot of break ins. Found out, they weren’t breaking in, but everyone had a master key for all the locks.
It was bad... Like, real bad. There is no medical reason why she is alive. In all accounts, she should be dead.