Wow, thanks!
Wow, thanks!
You and your friends make detailed spreadsheets to share on the internet about women you know and interact with regularly?
Do you watch people you know play sports, and then make a creepily detailed spreadsheet about them to post on the internet?
Nobody said people can’t talk about others’ appearances. What they are saying is that if you can’t keep yourself from publishing it on the internet, there might be consequences.
LOL as if that’s the issue here, rather than egregious amount of entitlement coupled with a total lack of self-control.
What are you even talking about?
Clearly you think it was OK, since you think these guys shouldn’t have been punished.
Yeah, gosh, we should really focus on the real issue here, which is that some ladies dared to use nice words to describe themselves in response to the deplorable actions of dudes.
The point is that it’s NOT the same behavior, if you also take into account context. It doesn’t have the same impact or consequences, period.
You must be one of those people who failed Sociology 101!
There might be a bit, but they don’t really equate that well because the implications are different. We don’t have a societal problem with objectifying men in ways that have consequences in all areas of their lives.
Oh, OK then! Thanks for stopping by. You’re wrong, but at least you try to be helpful.
Are there people who care about stars? That’s embarrassing.
People don’t “admit” it because they don’t agree with you.
Nah, it was invented because people who either don’t understand or don’t give a crap about considering the concerns of marginalized people needed something to shout into the void.
Why are people on Deadspin so obsessed with Jezebel? It’s simultaneously odd and transparent.