I'll allow Budweiser. They're honest about what they're selling.
I'll allow Budweiser. They're honest about what they're selling.
Brady's more successful. 4 Superbowl wins versus 2.
I think what made Drive work was it was paced well and the dialogue was so good.
I'll see where this goes, but I'm more braced for bloated, self-indulgent nothingness than prepared to have a good time.
Are we even talking about the same subject anymore?
The only alternatives are no educational shows period because they don't draw enough profit to be self-sustaining, or convincing insanely rich backers fund them all with nothing in return but good karma.
Isn't that one of the main plot points in Space Odyssey? That space is boring to humanity once they actually manage to get there?
That's what I mean. The enemies having guns made sense, but having to stop moving and engage with them in that way made no sense.
The original had some issues like that too - for some reason they arbitrarily included guns.
I don't know if the number of gun owners is increasing. It could be people who already own some are buying more before they get "banned."
People have done this time after time, and nothing comes of it.
Simple. The NRA doesn't represent gun owners like they pretend to. They represent gun makers.
None of those were I live. The one we used to have went under over a decade ago.
Generation Xer here and I rarely go to theaters at all.
That came off as way too rehearsed.
Can it explain why I find absolutely none of them creepy, but just too try-hard?
Someone needs to watch The Hangover.
Stop. It's not funny anymore.