
he is also a sulky shit...no like.

i have one...but he feels inferior and wants to be a new"power ranger coloured "Dalek.

a total waste of time that could have been told in flash backs,the Doctor went there on a hunch...he knew amy was flesh all along.I am an avid long-time who fan...and if anyone lets this guy write any more episodes they need to go and chuck themselves in the last stages of the time war and play with the multi

i think i just had a nervous breakdown

you beat me to it...much respect.

true,,,this is his destiny,,he must live with this as the face of boe

yeah...i was thinking the same

i think i just lost the will to give a shit about this

please somebody rescue this franchise...no arnold...that would be a good start..i want to see the total balls to the wall aftermath of judgement day,and the climb back of humanity.

i second that

thank god...i thought it was just me and my old ears...i agree ,the sound is terrible

jesus h christ,,,is nothing sacred!!!

soylent green??

i feel a distinct lack of interest surrounding this movie.

NO...NO...NO...NO..NO..There should have been only one..

now i can't stop looking at that

yay nightmare fuel

thank you so much for pointing any mad scientists in the right direction

i agree