
only a true Scotsman eh?

So the GOAT tennis player is someone who couldn’t beat about 45% of all pro tennis players?

So why do you think every country in the world has an immigration policy?

Trump wants to kick people out of the country who lied in order to get in. How dare he!!!

Do they have a color chart at the boarder? When a white or asian family show up they can just walk past? or are you just making things up

Entering a country illegal breaks no laws?

did you just compare playing a video game to a 500 lap endurance test where you experience 5g on a turn?

The point is why would you care what a bunch of neck beards thing? Do you think they spent their nights lying awaking wondering if you could actually do it? Jesus people just move on with your lives and who cares what other people think.

I don’t understand the end game here. What does this guy get out of shelling out almost 6 figures to win HS football games?

Why would they be afraid of that? What they are afraid of is an entire side of a sport being wiped out. Serena in 1998 got destroyed by the 203rd ranked player who played a round of golf that morning. 

So they are a profitable company?

Does it need to cost your plate? No. Should it? Yes.

So like it would be like hating on PMT because his boss is shitty?

When are the attack helicopters finally going to get their representation?

check out deadspin, its rich white college educated men

who do you think deadspins audience is?

exactly hes been this character since before barstool

so PFT commenter has been PFT Commenter since before he was at barstool but now that hes at barstool he is hiding behind PFT Commenter? 

How dare a company pick and chose what it wants to sell, remember when those idiot rednecks bitched about Walmart when it decided to stop selling confederate flags. How is this any different?

Did you just assume telsa did something wrong?