
Clearly we need more govt involved in our health insure, they sure know how to do things efficiently

So the article title as nothing to do with what the article is about? nice bait and switch.

Here in new england i enjoyed hearing calls from Sully saying the browns first overall pick would not be enough for jimmy G

you’re talking about the US dollar which is backed by the US Government and the Euro which is backed by the European union?

I just dont understand what is keeping someone from creating the exact same thing as bitcoin and calling it something else.

If you are taking your little brother / sister out you don’t need a costume and you still get a treat for being nice.

And if the reverse happened? what if a boy played in a girls tennis tournament

Call me when you have the same issue with a boy wanting to play in a girls golf league

Why? if you are going to let girls play on boys teams why cant a boy play on a girls team

I havn’t really followed this story but dont undersatnd one thing

once a cheater always a cheater, move on

The avg price of a house in some of the suburbs of Portland is over 650k

people dont see to understand how different the 1% are, 1% in income is 300k .1% is 1.01m

How many people use you for buying cars for 25k and under?

I think barstool is funny sometimes, i just dont understand the hate. If you don’t like someone ignore it, who cares what other people say or do

Wont someone please think of the murders!

I love those classic big wagons but from a safety stand point hard pass

Wait you dont think you should be fired for having an attitude? what world am i living in

Totally agree, people don’t realize how hard it to going back to work after getting drunk on your lunch breaks. Thank god unions have the workers backs