
So you think a guy who plays only RPGs is going to buy a madden game because the announcer is a voice actor he knows? yeah ok buddy

Except people will go see a movie only because Scarlett Johanson is in it, no one is ever going to buy a video game because of a voice.


If you need Xanax and Zoloft everyday maybe kids aren’t for you.

So its more OK for a black american to take your picture than a white american?

Do people really want to take pictures of random strangers they will never see again?

I can’t wait to show my friends and family my vacation pictures, just wait till they see some random dude walking down the street!

Americans are most definitely getting less for their bucks than other places when you consider that the US spends more on social welfare than almost every other country.

or its like those governments tax their people at a higher rate to afford those benefits while the US has a lower tax rates so the people have plan for massive life changing events.

That people beg for money for their poor plans? that happens everywhere

What a sucker you are, didn’t you know you could have just begged people online for money rather than saving and planning?

I don’t understand how people don’t plan better for child birth.

Breaking news guy who thinks hes a girl turns out to be crazy

Well he also told people he was a girl and no one blinked so why not?

How brave

Its a sponsor, Nippon-Ham is a company Fighters is the team name.

wait so people are making fun of him not because his incoherent babble but because they are racist? Jesus christ

three hours or less of medical training related to transgender healthcare

Why would he? you know whats better than 10 million? 100 million. His fans clearly don’t care if he drops N bombs so why stop.

breaking news union labor does not want to be efficient

So I don’t really follow any youtube people but it always seem like pewdiepies audience would be more liberal than right wing, how are people actually defending him or do they just not care?