
You might need to consider the possibility that a lot of people despise Hillary Clinton and she legitimately lost. Some Dems need to stop bullying scared working class white people, who yes, in many cases are undereducated, ignorant, are at best biased, at worst racist - but you do not get them to act in your favor by

isnt that that fear we’ve had all along? Thus proving Trump correct that technically there is voter fraud and holes in the system....an interesting connundrum, but I don’t think they were able to. Too many counties still do ballot punching.

People like you are why I did not vote for Clinton - your fucking bigoted arrogant self centered childish “everyone must think like me or they are a racist” bullshit is helping the GOP you stupid asshole.

Its a fucking woman you nutjob. Not every woman has to fucking think like you


Yet today she complained about Sanders not respecting her...despite the fact she and her gang plotted against him within the DNC. She is proving what a fucking cunt she is. I am glad she lost. I wish she had lost to a real human being but I will gladly take an obvious villain over a closeted and corrupt cunt who has

The only person who was robbed of the election was Bernie Sanders, by Debbie Wasserman Schnauzer who secretly plotted against him.. Cliton’s accusation of her momentum being affected by Wikileaks/Comey/Russia could be repeated by Sanders, but he is not a professional victim who blames other people for his failure - he