
Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

Counterpoint — Exxon’s $400mm man:

They should put as much effort making sure backup lights can be noticed, too.

Per one of your Facebook comments, looks like Dodge dropped a possible hint to the HP rating with a little photochopped tire size...

Came here to post this, was not disappointed.

I think unions had...their place. I’m sitting at my desk right now structuring a staff matrix and I have poor performing union employees that I am handcuffed with. I can not give my top performers more pay/hours because these people have been here a little longer. It seems the longer people are on staff with the

Speed holes

no, not even close.
“Dude, there was a pebble in my left side inboard exhaust tip that hadn’t fallen out yet, and it threw off the weight balance of the car as I was going for that drift, which caused me to spin out into the crowd of handicapped children playing in the park at the “Puppies for veterans with handicapped

Additional detailing:

It’s a very clear progression from classic ITB’s with individual filters.

Might there be a rectal thermometer in every seat?

Hi Jason,

“26" is right up there with “standing” in the world of absurd wiping answers that makes me question if we’re part of the same species.

The problem is that she worked for her money and then purchased the jewelry.

I’m waiting to hear what the issue is with having $2m worth of jewelry.

That is like the first fish with legs of the crossover breed.

Bad schools make future Republicans!

Let me let you, and Toyota if they’re reading this, in on a little fact.

Last year, I was in the market for a new fun car. My wife had just gotten a new SUV, and she had instructed me to go buy something for myself after years of slaving away keeping her BMW in perfect operating condition.

Now, many things were on the

That’s why there is a Subaru version of this car.