How about the PS4 costing the equivalent to $1800 dollars in brazil???
How about the PS4 costing the equivalent to $1800 dollars in brazil???
Good luck with that...
Doom windows?
Hot Toys is the best thing that ever happened to collectibles.
Ok... yay... but nay...
STEAM is the best thing that ever happened to the PC gaming comunity, whoever denies this fact is just a blind morron.
mimimi DRM...
and... lol, i would love to see the source of that percentage you came up.
What is a hardcore PC gammer to you?
Well, atleast we all the next batman will suck.
This is on STEAM Greenlight, i voted for it, really looking forward.
Yes, because Halo is a grown up game, filled with filthy mouthed 12 year olds...
It will be an untold ammound of stupid if this game doesn´t get a western release....
The sound and great and all...
Does Fish actually think the industry needs him?
Who gives a shit??
I fell sad too... for you.
all my expenses are paid for this month, i shall spend the surplus plus... plus more... and maybe some extra...
Kid can go one year later to college... maybe two... And i´m pretty sure we only need 1 kidney to survive, so i got atleast 4 for sale on ebay.
You think that is expensive?