I’m torn about how I should feel about this. While I new entry in the series would be welcomed, if we do get news if Sun and Moon tomorrow it would make Gen 6 seem really rushed.
I’m torn about how I should feel about this. While I new entry in the series would be welcomed, if we do get news if Sun and Moon tomorrow it would make Gen 6 seem really rushed.
I doubt it. At best researchers would be trying to figure out how to copy the reset affect and distribute it to other people. Additionally, it would be helpful to see how certain treatments affects the human body, which might result in death. However, given that all that differs them from us is that they reset when…
Actually the general population does care about animal testing, the general population is just ignorant to how the process works, which is why a large part of the work opponents of animal testing do is to show people what it looks like.
I haven’t watched it yet; however, it’s an interesting premise. I’m not sure if it were to happen that it would be this terrible though. For starters, at least in the US, these people would still have constitutional protections that would prohibit cruel and unusual punishment. Additionally, given that they haven’t…
Is it possible to grind in Conquest in DLC?
Exactly what do you think would happen most of the time? Like, why do you think either young women, your daughter specifically, or young men cannot control themselves when they use the bathroom. And why do you think they can stand next to each other literally 10 feet one way, but need to be segregated 10 feet in the…
Well, the trick has been done now, and I think Black 2 and White 2 don’t get the credit they deserve as sequels. I think in many ways the sequel aspect in B2/W2 was better than G/S/C. Sure, you didn’t get to fight your specific player character from the past, which is something GameFreak could have easily incorporated…
Even assuming the best of intentions, this is just weird. As others have commented, white people, especially the white people of Utah, don’t have any trouble finding (1) other white people, (2) other people who are sexually attracted to them, and (3) other people of their same racial identity that find them…
^This will be me 11:59pm December 31st, 2041.
It looks great and there’s no doubt that McDonald’s has the resources to really provide high quality food. The problem the brand has is that there are two types of McDonald’s. There is the one you see in the ads and then there is the McDonald’s you see in real life, and the fact that they are often located in places…
If you want a Hoopa I have a couple of extra I can give you. I know the struggle of not living near a place where there is distribution.
There are different tiers of legendaries. Landorus, Cresselia, and the likes of Heatran are rare, and technically legendary, but for various reasons are not in the same tier as Mewtwo, Darkrai, Xerneas. It sucks, because I have a box full where I never really use them, because you can’t take them into the Battle Tower…
My impression is that the war in X/Y took place much earlier in the world’s history, and that Lt. Surge fought in a much more recent war. Like the X/Y was the War of the Roses and Lt. Surge fought in Vietnam or something.
There is no reason to assume that the player didn’t go to school. Most of the NPCs we see in school are younger than the player. Additionally, most of the young NPC characters are found nearby other towns and cities, which in the real world wouldn’t be too surprising. Within the universe, where is there is a large…
Well, the anime doesn’t really have the same problem. We have seen the parents and siblings of multiple main characters (Brock, Gary, Misty, May and Brendan, Paul, Sabrina, one of the sidekicks from Gen V, Clemont, etc.), and we know the world is full of people that do not engage in Pokemon battles. So the problem is…
There are movie theaters and even live theaters where broadway like shows are produced. There are contest halls, theme parks, museums, multiple art galleries, sport stadiums, TV stations, radio stations, libraries, cafes, restaurants, clothing stores, there are zoos, aquariums, safaris. There are even shopping malls.…
We know for a fact that there have been several wars within the Pokemon Universe. There is the war Lt. Surge mentions but in the recent games they speak of a more ancient war as well. And there are many Dex entries related to war.
I mean, if she is allowed to do that could a racist court clerk refuse to issue licenses to interracial couples? Could a Christian, Science nurse refuse to give a child a booster shot at a public hospital? I mean, exactly do you draw the line? That’s the question I would Christian religious fundamentalist to explain,…
Wait, a second, Transformers have sexes?! Does that mean they sexually reproduce? What the hell is going on! I thought Transformers just mimicked voices when they took form on Earth.
Where the manga is right now is doing a fairly good job of providing context, albeit very convoluted, to the whole situation, and explaining some of the gaping pragmatic and practical holes in the series’s universe.