
No, it's not, because the visuals is a vessel for carrying the story. If the demo showed what the future hardware would be capable in terms of gameplay, such as what the new WiiU remote will be able to offer players, that would be impressive and meaningful. However, just showing how graphically impressive the next

People are not going to buy a Square Enix game just because it looks pretty. They will buy a game if the content is good, and thus showing us how breathtaking and impressive the game could look tells us nothing about the content. It's like a book publisher having a press release for the binding of a book, ignoring the

The problem with fundamentalism is by definition it doesn't allow them to have that humbling experience. To be sure there are many denominations of Christianity and other religions, and in general practicing Christians and other religious folk where that isn't the case but fundamentalism doesn't have that option.

Only female mules, on very rare occasions, can produce offspring. The kicker my understanding is that if two animals/living things can produce fertile offspring they are the same species, but may have developed different based on natural pressures, and might be on their way to become two separate species. If they can

Yes, which meant that we weren't two different species yet, but rather two separate trains of the same group that was separated. Plus, I understanding was that Neanderthals weren't the only Homo- ages that our ancestors banged and killed.

This is my question too. If they can still breed with other lions, calling them an new species seems a bit much, and conversation status to product a breed seems a bunch unless the genetic pool of lions will somehow be damaged because this particular trait dies off.

Home's central area is the Hub and that's a good description of what Home actually is. It plays to different people's taste. You can buy modern looking apartments or fantasy dungeons, wear "designer" clothes or a turkey on your head, shoot people or go swiming. So you get a huge cross section of people, that develop

Well, they aren't really evolving, and for as impressive as this is the biological animals are still way more complex. Given the hurdles nature had to overcome, and seeing as it had literary nothing to base any idea from, I would argue that nature still has this beat and will always be comparatively further ahead.

All great things, and I am all for funding NASA more. The problem is NASA and the people who advocate to continue and expand NASA's funding have not been making the practical pragmatic pitches. Instead, the most vocal has been people talking about all genuinely nice and great lofty things, but things out of scope of

I can't agree with you more. Sure it looks fantastic, and a part of any good FF game is the visuals, but honestly I would probably get more excited if news broke this afternoon that Square had hired the story makers from Lost Odyssey than I would looking at the above image.

It's doesn't have to be AAA. I bought a PSP to play Dissidia, and later I bought a bunch of games to play, like Birth By Sleep, etc etc.

Maybe with the exception of AC III, and that isn't my cup of tea but I know for some people it is, all of these games here look like good games to buy once you already have a Vita, they don't seem to be games you go out and buy a Vita to play.

Is that the official line on how the ballots should be read. I know there was some issues with a lot of ballots have a blank on the first questions, but having the second questions filled out. So is it 62% of the 54% or is that people just skipped to what is their preference.

Every game does it, but not all under the guise of freedom and choice. I would go back to the Pinewood Chop quest or a series of other story related quests in FFXII. FFXIII quests were part of the overall story, and they did a decent job of connecting it all back to the story, even the hunt for the Chocobo and the

Except, FFXII only made the absence of choice less visible. You could only wonder off for so much, and the game denied you access to things until certain events were completed. The License Board was great, especially if you wanted to grind, but it would behoove you to only unlock the Augments because the Accessories,

What's your evidence that we are becoming several new species. I'm really curious. Last I checked interbreeding was still possible, and not many of us, save for very very few, are in isolation so much so that they become genetically incompatible for producing fertile offspring.

You can look to California has a classic example of what is wrong with what you are proposing. Its a state with a lot of referendums, where their legislative body is held to whatever the people say on election night. It makes the act of actually governing extremely difficult.

I'm actually trying to look into the campaign stops for governors and presidential candidates in political system different than hours, and see what the actual results are.

Well, it's not. There is no two ways about that. And this is one of the major flaws of the Electoral College, individual votes don't matter as much or in some cases at all. The follow up to that is whether or not this drawback is outweighed by the benefits of the Electoral College, that forces candidates to compete