
The article states the guy was cited. They typically dont cite people who arent in the wrong.

he didn't lay the truck down, gravity did (the cement shifted with the hard turn). I agree on the lawyering up but at the very least the dude should be fired for this.

I can confirm that the Korean government is stuck in the age of XP.
I was at one of their buildings and trying to use a computer and the only thing available were XP machine with a floppy drive. Do you remember floppy drives? I do.

People are involved in the sciences (both theoretical and applied) today because they were inspired by Sagan back in the day. The same will be true in future in regards to Tyson. There's always a need for spokespeople/evangelists/ambassadors, and that's what Tyson is. Tyson's "baffling" popularity serves as a kind

If cost is an issue, Linux? Ubuntu comes with paid support if that's what they're fretting about.

Let's not forget that they're also probably still playing SC: Brood War on XP.

*Possible spoilers below - everything I mention is told fairly early on in the books, but not widely discussed in the show. It all takes place before the events of A Game of Thrones*

Point being that at ballistic velocities, you shouldn't to see anything.

Do not come to an anti-science debacle and declare liberal bias. Those were elected representatives chosen by the people of the US, but they were placed on a SCIENCE committee due to politics. These were their words. No bias. Fact.

It is not the case that both sides do it equally. The GOP is staking a special claim to science illiteracy, saying everything will be all right if you just believe in the Invisible Hand of Free Market Jesus.

And there are good solid people on both sides of the aisle

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to attitudes about science, one side has a whole lot more fucking idiots than the other.

This is actually quite astonishing to me. Really.

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"

being good at juggling a ball just makes her good at juggling a ball, not good at football.

Now playing

This is NOT soccer, these are keep ups. Keep ups doesn't mean good skill. I've seen a one legged guy who can do that.

Being talented with a soccer ball and being a good soccer player are two different categories...

Eh, she can juggle a ball? That's not particularly exciting or special and doesn't say anything about her actual football skills, a whole lot of people can do this.

That's not that impressive. There's plenty of things 12 year old girls are better at than me.

You Are Probably Not as Good at Coming Up With Headlines as You Think You Are.