
Ya.. its like me saying i represent bezos..He is just trying to play the victim card, the race card, the immigration card. So many cards at once im losing count of the score. We all have rules, he should have followed them and became a duel citizen or a citizen. No excuses. Im jeff bezos. Lol.

I would drive it, sometimes on my commute to work even. I dont think I would ever buy a car that I was not going to drive. All cars lose value when you drive them.

One the the very few 80s car I would like to own. I had driven a regular grand national one time and it was the first car that scared me. The way that large turbo spooled up was amazing. I had before and since then driven cars that on paper had more horsepower but none of them felt like it. Its rated at 280-300hp im

My car is paid off, my wifes only has 3 payments left. Is the temptation high to trade one in and get another? Hell yes but instead I just put about a grand in tires and work on mine and will do about 1500 on hers next month. That’s the difference between 25 year old me and 40 year old me. 

The point no one can argue is its much better to change it more often then needed rather than not enough. I do about 10,000 on my cars and use full synthetic, one is an Impala that has a oil change computer that takes into account the temperature, driving style such as short trips vs highway. The other is a Porsche

I think I just found a new sport, or at least something to do tonight.

My 2008 Impala I got new has 200,000 miles. I do use synthetic oil but often only change it every 10,000 to 15,000 miles. I do check it regularly and always top it off if a little low. E85 is easy to get around her and often .60 a gallon cheaper and if I drive a large portion of the miles using e85 the oil is

Also you never know why they are in such a hurry. I was taking my wife to the hospital because she was in active labor, water already broke the whole deal. At an intersection I cut through a parking lot to turn instead of waiting for the long row of cars stuck at the red light. I didn’t do it aggressive at all, slow

My sister in law had a car made after her? I was wondering why the would ever name a car "Probe". It all makes sense now!

This is why we don’t take road trips through West Virginia/Virginia mountains in our first gen Cayenne. I dont think she would break down but if she did... I can bet no parts for hundreds of miles or a weeks wait for delivery. We take the Chevy.. a bit more crowded but can rebuild the entire car in the AutoZone

Well we know how honestly they report survey data. The probably only asked people that bought it under a business name. So its probably 90% of businesses that buy trucks plan to trailer them. They just left out the business part.. which is probably 5% of sales so in truth only 4% or less will be used for trailers.

I cant wait to be surrounded by these on my commute to work and in the grocery store parking lot. Those headlights will look great in my sedans rearview mirror.

And they think they regularly drive thousands of miles a day. 200 miles would be more than enough for me 99% of the time. 

Thats actually a really good idea. It would be awesome to have a nice ev atbthat size and price.

Ice blocked up coolent passage. Or froze soild all over. Probably a ice chunk blocking stuff

Its probably because it also gets to over a 100 in Chicago as well. It has to work hot or cold .

Just like gravity. 

I just scheduled my car to receive new tires and an alignment this Friday. My tires have 90,000 miles on them. I had the alignment done 3 time over that period. I think 2 times a year is to much unless you drive like shit or are living in Detroit. 

My daily drive home in ohio. Those people suck

I had a pick up just the other week i did this with. I really think he hit his speed limiter before he realized he was all in my ass. I didn’t floor it or anything just kept slowly accelerating until he was falling behind and i think it was he just couldn’t go any faster. What a douchebag.