
I understand the buyer beware thing but something like this is next level shady. Most used cars have small things that you find after the purchase like power window or door lock that does not work or a radio that only plays AM channels that the seller “forgot” to mention. But this... Selling a car that is unfit to

I live and work in the Dayton area. I will definitely be on the lookout for this monster. If I see it I will be sure to snap a photo and post it. 

We have one for my wife’s dd as well I love it and enjoy wrenching on it. If I wasn’t good with my hands we probably wouldn’t afford it as the oil changes alone cost me About a hundred to do it myself. I never priced anything at the dealership or even independent shop. I’ve also replaced the tranny fluid, sparkplugs.

Whats the chances she consumed all of the white stuff on the way to deliver the car? Now she won’t stop talking long enough to let you test drive the "car"

Or they could sell them abroad and use the money to buy bombs and guns.. that would even be cooler. Of course show the poor people how to build bombs and guns so they will have a job.. give a man a bomb and he will blow one thing up, teach a man to build bombs and he will blow lots of shit up! That’s what the indains

The Chinese won't worry about small fish ponds and would welcome Tesla with open arms. Unfortunately they will also steal the know how to build such a car. Unlike California they will have a surplus of workers and no threat of a union. If they keep up with the union threats and other insane things in California that

Serious question as I have never been very close to one of these things. Can you even drive one at highway speeds. It looks like it would be dangerous at any speed, the braking and handling would be crazy wouldn't it?

That look like a dumb place to have a wall just stick out into the world track area. I call bad design of the track

Yes, sometimes they even go out if you don't take a hit for a minute or so. As far as flipping them out the window I think having a ashtry would help that. I have a dirty one that sits in the cup holder. I think in the 50s some Chevy's had one that would create a vacuum when driving to suck out ashes and the smoke

Consider the supplier for the sync, at first it was Microsoft. I mean of all things to put in a car to control a radio. How many times.do you have to reboot computers at home/work that run anything windows. I knew that was a fail the first time I seen a car that had Microsoft on the radio. The new ones run QNX which

The thing is that nobody says it's not ok for folks to write negative stuff about facts. Some of the stuff this cat wrote was down right lies. Not opinions about facts but out right lies. If it was just him talking to some people in a bar even that would be ok. However led folks to believe that he had access to secret

My wife's Cayenne has had the check brake light warning light on for most of it's life. I used to get it to turn off by cleaning the contacts and putting dielectric grease on it. But now I just say fuck it. It's on.. the bulbs work. Maybe one day I will buy all new rear light fixtures. 

Or the creepy folks that run out of fuel because they just spent all thier cash on drugs walking up to your house for money or gas. It keeps those folks away as well.

I agree, my second house purchase was much better than the first. I first started by knowing my realtor wants me to pay as much for the house as possible so asking them for what price I should bid was like asking a used car salesman how much his car is worth. Second was to realize that you didn't want the most

So you support randos just coming in and out of your country when and how they choose? Anyone would know that would lead to bad things. Social economic collapse would be the best of those. I don't understand why people just don't follow the rules. If I just showed up in your house would you welcome me? She has a sad

This is true, if somebody wrecks a 2018 Civic it probably wouldn’t make the police reports of the local paper. If someone wrecks a Tesla if any type it’s all over the nets and sometimes on the national news. Like it’s a plane crash. I think if Tesla can survive the next 5 years the electric revolution will be to much

It not that hard. After I got a degree and was looking for a real job I deleted mine. I never had a Facebook so that was awesome I didn’t have to deal with it. Then I was nervous that since I had 0 social media that any potential employer may think I was crazy. I may make a “fake” Twitter again and just respond to

Dipshits? Nice.. migrant labor is legal if done properly. Since you used the all powerful word I will as well. So you support paying folks slave wages that are under the minimum wage so you can eat a peach that cost 12 cents instead of 20 cents? You sound like a racist advocating for slave labor so you can save a

I can totally agree with this. Supply and demand, get rid of the demand and the supply dries up. Also make sure the company that hired them pays all the expenses to return them to the country of origin. By airline so it can be a safe fast journey.

All these people say this should have happened or this or whatever. You folks are making things much more complicated. She was in the US illegal. End of story. She over stayed her visa. She leaves how cares about all the small details of her stupid reasons, or who beat who? Your Visa is up leave.. take your kids with