If you are going post dumb crap to make your point, like the government buying $600 hammers, you sure as heck ought to check your sources. You’re literally pulling the modern day equivalent of forwarding a right-wing chain email.
If you are going post dumb crap to make your point, like the government buying $600 hammers, you sure as heck ought to check your sources. You’re literally pulling the modern day equivalent of forwarding a right-wing chain email.
In a proper world, Equifax would end up in bankruptcy 10 times over because of this, not just for the incompetency but double as a warning to other companies.
It’s a win-win-win-win. You have a chance to play it through, you have the chance of winning, you have the chance of killing 8 other random people, and you have the chance of never finding 8 other people to play with.
Well, I found my new answer to the question: “Death challenges you to a game for your soul. What do you pick?”
Christ on a crutch politician. Shell out the extra $6 for the upgrade from foam core to gatorboard so it doesn’t look like your wife ran over your homework with her Volvo station wagon.
Screw that header image. CA gets horrid representation per capita and we pay an absurd amount of federal taxes that get shipped to crap states like Mississippi.
We pull too much weight is this damn country for the rest of you flyovers to treat us like you do.
Thread for “when did Lifehacker get so political” comments:
I’m happy Gizmodo stopped putting those clickbait ad articles at the bottom of the pages and decided to just lazy load their own articles.
Yes - unfortunately the entire thing is a race to see who makes the most money.
Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.
As a DM, I’d like to say that this is a monstrous thing to do to your players.
Goddamnit, now I want to play in your culinary D&D campaign.
Leaving this in could easily be seen as an act of endorsement. Taking it out is the right call. They don’t need anymore of a platform then they have already been able to obtain.
And for those that keep saying “it’s dumb”, or “so are we going to do this for every symbol they co-opt?!”—well thought out response!
The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.
Haven’t we had enough of “both sides” this year smh
It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.
Not trolling at all - I literally cannot keep the damn things in my ears because they’re so smooth!
Truth to all of this - middle America somewhere shortly after January 2009 decided to become the Joker in The Dark Knight. They just want to burn the whole thing down, fuck the consequences. Even now, after everything that’s happened in the last 8 months, 30-ish% of America will still cosign Trump and his…