
Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

Slightly OT, but I love when my fb friends who own a small business list their occupation as “CEO”. No, your independent record label that is literally just you and your graphic designer buddy does not have a Board of Directors and you are not a CEO. Owner, Founder, sure. I’ll even accept “President” if that makes

*Conduite avec facultées affaiblies par l’alcool ou la drogue, bro.

Unwilling to suffer the profound indignity of calling a tow truck being arrested for DUI, the man hatched a plan, devious in its drunken simplicity

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

When the Demon Hellcat comes out will Tesla just release a software update called Demon Killer to troll the Mopar boys?

There, there now, David. You’ll be okay.

Now if there was only some sort of government standard to get morons to turn OFF the DRLs and turn ON the head and tail lights when its dark, rainy, foggy or snowing out......

Requirements? At an FCA dealer? I not even sure “Having the money” is all that important.

You have a point...lessoned learned.

His name is DoucheMcBaggus man. You have to expect these things.

Where did you see the word “Tesla” anywhere in that post?

Crack pipe. Didn’t even mention if the A/C blows cold or not.

Dear Kristeneth,

I feel like you just need a weekly feature entitled, “The F**k is Wrong with Torch This Week?”

It’s on foxtrot alpha you dingus. Plus no one is forcing you to read this article if it hurts your little snowflake feelings.

Yep. We’ll probably be seeing that piss tape real soon.

By quite a bit, actually.