To me, I also see the term “guerrilla” as a descriptor for an unconventional style/approach to something. To go guerilla would be to throw away rule books/defined strategy and go off the beaten path in order to gain victory.
To me, I also see the term “guerrilla” as a descriptor for an unconventional style/approach to something. To go guerilla would be to throw away rule books/defined strategy and go off the beaten path in order to gain victory.
I did...let’s just say it’s the kind of mistake you only make once! :)
Kotaku did report on this, there’s an entire post about it written by Brian Ashcraft. Not a whole lot to it, but it’s pretty much exactly what you describe.
Came out yesterday.
Eh... pretty much false. Steve Bannon looks pretty much what you look like if you live off a diet of bread and Jim Bean. Trying going all protein sometime and see how much weight you can keep on.
It’s. A. Joke.
I don’t care that it can’t fit a larger battery, it still looks like a fish pouting
While I don’t oppose paying players, I’m curious as to why you think that this will prevent them from committing sexual assault?
I’m beginning to think that Janet Reno, the FBI, and the ATF set siege to the wrong religious complex in Waco.
You weren’t paying attention for the first 15 years of his career, then.
No, what he described is the performance of nearly every ICE vehicle. If you plan on replacing your ICE vehicle, it’s rational to expect similar performance. Especially if you’re paying a premium price over an ICE.
Man I really dislike half of this change. You should be pulled around corners if you get hooked while visible. It’s a massive chain with a hook that has huge spikes on the inside of it attached to a winch that could easily go on the front of a car. Why it falls off if Roadhog can’t see his target I just can’t fathom.…
When asked to make statements contrary to the goals of their employer, I was shocked that no one stood up for those impacted by their company’s egregious behavior.
Watching the Nintendo Switch presentation is like watching an ex girlfriend who has so much potential but is totally making the same fucking mistakes over and over and you just want to shake them and tell them to stop.
You’re needlessly obsessing over the fact that I chose pharmaceuticals. Substitute any other item and the analogy stands.
How is running a money-making operation w/ a bunch of people who are ostensibly your coworkers out of your house a “normal life activity,” regardless of whether it’s a YouTube channel or a pharmaceutical distribution center out of the garage?
EK’s plus-minus says otherwise.
I think they should get all of the Mikes they can. Mike Lupica, Mike Francesa, Mike Wise, Mike Wilbon, Mike Tyson. Just get them all in the same studio, and call the show What You Deserve For Listening to Sports Radio.
Its not because there is no manual option. Thats just what journalists want to think so they can explain it.