It’s so sad that I had this very cynical thought as well.
It’s so sad that I had this very cynical thought as well.
Could be playing the long con, trying to make the Parks too expensive as a way to drive down attendance and manufacture an excuse to dismantle them, while also having fewer Americans experience them and making them more susceptible to “why should we care about this dumb thing” propaganda so we don’t object when they…
Really did not expect this to come from Larry Flint of all people but more power to him. I still think Marc Cuban or any of the other billionaires who hate trump should just buy twitter so they can ban him.
I’m so relieved the perv that slept with his wife’s adopted daughter is here to help us all morally navigate the Weinstein scandal.
Oh absolutely. Same with Charlie Sheen and countless others who have abused women. Hell, Winona Ryder suffered greater social consequences for her shoplifting charges than men who’ve done far worse.
You know I was thinking and that’s actually another great sign of Hollywood sexism; the things that make Courtney Love “undesirable to work with” are the same things that made people say things like “Robert Downey Jr would make a great Iron Man”.
The people who dismissed 45's accusers as attention seeking harlots are shocked, just shocked about Weinstein (who has absolutely no political power) because he’s a Democrat (and being Jewish adds flame to the tiki torch).
with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.
I’m wondering how many among us have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace? It has happened to me and I didn’t speak up about it which I regret.
If these people were as tenth as enraged about Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, Bill Cosby, Eric Bolling, and Donald Trump’s harassment as they seem to be about Harvey Weinstein’s, the world would be a very different place.
If Weinstein had obeyed @VP Pence’s rules for meeting with the opposite sex, none of those poor women would ever have been abused.
Hollywood loves to do two things: pat itself on the back, and forgive its own (then pat itself on the back for doing so)
I can’t wait to find out that some sort of UNESCO cultural heritage site designation somewhere is interfering with a Trump hotel project.
You know the GOP has some piece of legislation in their back pocket ready to go to try and disenfranchise Puerto Ricans moving to the main land to escape the devastation.
It’s Hollywood. They looooove comeback stories (see Mel Gibson, nominated for an Academy Award for Hacksaw Ridge.) They also don’t give a shit about rape or sexual assault (see Oscar winners Roman Polanski, Casey Affleck etc...) His brother is still a major Hollywood player. It might take a few years, but I understand…
yes yes yes. and as the article points out, you suspend her for simply speaking her truth and pointing out the hypocrisies of these scum, but yet you allow someone, who arguably has the most powerful position in the world right now, to systematically abuse and attack others, calling for their firing, and even…
He’s a rich white guy. Of course he thinks he’ll get around 800 more second chances. He always has.
I’m really pleased that Crews has come forward with this publically - so much homophobia and ingrained social expectations of men (particularly athletic, 240 lb guys!) means that men never report or publically describe their experiences of harassment.