Oh fuck, I forgot that part!
Oh fuck, I forgot that part!
"Oh no.. the corn! Paul Newman's gonna have my legs broke!"
"This sounds like rock and/or roll."
"I won't need my high school diploma anymore! I am so smart. S-m-r-t, I mean s-m-a-r-t."
"It was the most I ever threw up and it changed my life forever"
"Designated Drivers: The Lifesaving Nerds"
"The Erotic Adventures of Hercules"
"You may ask me three questions"
"Firecrackers: The Silent Killer"
"Get Confident Stupid!"
"My apologies sir, but the sale of fireworks is prohibited in this state and is punishable by… (customer leaves).. follow me"
"Don't mind if I do!"
"No TV and no beer make Homer something something."
Where Steve Shelly's just eating the watermelon and everyone else just looks at Homer in awe. Also, Kim Gordon's monologue on commercialism is the shit.
The sight gag of Sonic Youth holding the watermelon is even better.
Thurston Moore: "Come on, Mr. Frampton. You're not gonna eat all that watermelon."
"No… it's German. The Bart the."
(Homer meets George Harrison)
"WOW! They'll never let us show that again. Not in a million years!"
That part always reminds me of Charlie's speech in It's Always Sunny when Dennis runs for office.