Oh Goody Goody

Economists are great at making poverty worse. That's doing something.

"I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him." - Donald Trump

Cant, noun. "Hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, typically of a moral, religious, or political nature."

They demolished whole sections of the Bronx to make it look like 1977.

He was his favorite Duke boy.

Don't worry Abed, they got renewed and I'm sure they'll be out of the pokey by episode 4 next season.

Anybody ever read Stephen Bury (aka Neal Stephenson)'s Interface?

I wish I could have played as him in Goldeneye 64. RIP.

He was in Avalanche!?

There's plenty of time to make that "Nixon Dies in Shoot-Out with Police, Agnew Still at Large" story horribly prescient.


Hell no! He's Tupacing it, like his boy Lee muthafuckin' Van Cleef.

Shut up Jerrica.

He's half James Hurley and a third Doc Jacobi.

He's a motherboy, sent from the banana stand, to return a dead dove.

I thought Beyoncé was some sort of perfume or lifestyle magazine. She's a singer?

Drunk Uncle has been busy as policy advisor for the Department of Education.

Yes, he's had the Russia pin since the start of his run, the prop department using the same pin Trump left behind in his dressing room.

Trying to put your onus on Tins Fey will get you a restraining order reaaaaally quickly.

"Good Burger 2: Electric Burgerloo… Just read the script Keenan!"