
Well, this is certainly very... internet.

What a time to be alive.

If I could time travel back 40 or 50 years, maybe.

If I could time travel back 40 or 50 years, maybe.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

It’s just mother nature trying to take an over-polluting VW off the roads.

Really? Her labia.fused.shut. From the burn.

Wait, so you’re saying we that we can say that Sergio should have been paying more attention while at the same time saying that FCA designed an unnecessarily confusing system that could lead to injury? We don’t have to pick a side?! We could even talk rationally about it?! You may have just solved not just this

Tbh, I’d pick up Human Revolution first if I were you. You can usually get it ridiculously cheap regardless of platform and the 360 version is BC on the Xbox One.

Poverty shaming

Pigeon don’t give a fuck about you.

Gameplay, depends on how you want to do it. Stealth is generally more encouraged, but you could always go in guns blazing. Story, essentially vast globalist conspiracy stuff going on. Humans are starting to get augmented (mechanical body parts, etc), but some people fear change, others seek to exploit it. I enjoyed

C’mon Tav - follow the Dougie method. Give us a video for when we have time and text so we can pretend to work.

I typically crochet a blanket for the baby and give the parents the adult beverage of their preference.

Why is the tach sideways?

Nazis gonna Nazi.

Every time I visit the “water closet” to do my business, it’s unique in its own ways. Weight, density, percentage of corn kernels and peanuts, etc. Just because they are unique bowel movements does not impart on them an increased value.

Between this and the Trump/Pence logo, I am now convinced that there is a maybe not-so-small group of Republican operatives secretly trying to bring down Trump from the inside.

All in favor of making Boar Monday a thing say “Aye.”

So did Wilma.

When I was younger and my mother would bless me with a new game I would always sit in the back if the car, open up the case, smell the insides, and flick through the manual.