$5,432,333? for a few hours of work?!! Jesus Christ!!!
$5,432,333? for a few hours of work?!! Jesus Christ!!!
At least the sex was smoking hot.
The thing about bugs is that they don’t happen with everybody. It’s likely they slipped through since I assume the people that test it are far few than the player base. Like when everyone was wiggin out about No Man’s Sky. During that time I never encountered bugs on that game.
Everywhere it says out Nov 11 but according to amazon I’m getting it today for PS4? I’m confused.
I guess we will see how the Trump presidency affects them since they did vote him in. I don’t like the outcome of the election but I hope that decision doesn’t bite them in the ass and Trump surprises us by being a decent president. All we can do is hope and strap in for the ride now.
So could that Trump fiasco where he didn’t let Ford move the small cars to Mexico lead to people here losing jobs? Like wouldn’t that just affect the Mexican factories for the most part as far as Ford goes? Honest question.
I’ll read it.
Is it the famous “clean coal” though?
Why not both?
You should get hired by the studio
They can sign non-disclosure agreements. Do you think movie actors act without knowing what they do? Or even movie voice actors?
Well I’m sure there will be caveats to the demands. Like maybe if you play a big part you should get paid extra if it gets popular. People on TV still earn money from re-runs why shouldn’t VAs get paid extra for putting on a performance that helped make a hit game? From the sound of it they get treated like shit and I…
Just because you can get a loan and afford low payments for 5 years on a car doesn’t make it a viable purchase for many people. I’d rather buy a cheaper used car bellow 20k. It’s easy to say “I can afford this now thus I will still afford it in 3 years” but who knows were we will be in 3 years. I’d rather buy a car I…
Shh they like to pretend like they never did that.
Buffalo only available as a pre-order bonus!
When I was 16 I was dating this 18 y/o senior in High School and we’d been getting hot and bothered for about a year. It all culminated with us parking behind a theater, I had a 03 Impala back then, and we started getting handsy. I lowered the rear seats so we could half-way lay in the trunk and half-way in the cabin.…