
You must have better sources than the NY Times (which is comically unfriendly to Trump) that reported in a post-election article....

Our President-elect is so self-centered that he plans to spend most of his time in NYC, not Washington

Baby steps, I guess.

I’m not sure the F-Type is ‘better engineered,’ particularly the mechanicals; that C7 engine is bulletproof. But the build quality - both in terms of materials and execution - aren’t as dissimilar as you might believe in some areas. The interior of the C7 is still it’s weakest point, but that interior has really

Are these just American manufacturers that have excess in the US market? I just started looking for a new car, but for the German marques, it’s been slim pickens’ on the lots.

What’s ‘funny’ is when imbeciles believe that people aren’t dangerous if they don’t happen to be holding a firearm, particularly considering more people are killed every year by arms and feet than are killed by long guns, like the dreaded ‘assault rifle.’

What kind of ‘non-compliance’ are you talkin about? Michael Brown, for instance, was attacking a police officer and trying to wrestle policeman’s weapon from him and was shot in the process (btw, that’s not my interpretation of what happened, that’s the interpretation of the FBI and DoJ). I personally have no problem

It used to be that liberals were the defenders of core civil liberties, like the presumption of innocence. But, in a disturbing and dangerous trend the last decade or two, depending on the alleged crime, many who describe themselves as liberal (or perhaps progressive, is more accurate) look at the alleged assailant as

In some states, it’s just as you describe or straight rebates. But, in many other states, like New Mexico, North Carolina and several others, they’re refundable tax credits. Other states may offer a combination of both as well as tradeable tax credits or they may even offer grants, which would be available to the

Now that you mention it, I do remember reading that.  It’s too bad.

It depends entirely upon what kind of ‘tax break’ was offered. I’m not familiar with the particulars of this ‘business venture’ (I put that in parentheses because it looks more like a scam than anything) and what was offered to them by the state of Nevada. But, frequently, both state governments and the feds will

I agree entirely, with all of this. I’d only add that to whatever extent Russia is a threat to the US (and right now, it’s not an insignificant threat, at all), that threat ebbs quite a bit the minute Putin assumes room temperature. Russia, for all it’s problems, has some potential. Russia could easily transition to a

Green energy + Automotive Startup? What could possibly go wrong?

Best looking American engineered and built car since the Art Deco era. It’s magnificent.

I get, and largely support, why Rosberg retired the way he did. But, the fact that he did this way, really screwed some other drivers, particularly those journeymen drivers who could have, likely would have, negotiated better deals for themselves with their current teams if that open Mercedes seat was in the equation.

He’d be great, and deserving. But, I wonder what McLaren would want in return to let him out of his contract.

If you don’t have anything against Vox, then you must not spend much time reading Vox. It’s a fucking mess and represents absolutely everything wrong with journalism today.

I don’t know what his chances are in F1, but he and his brothers sure were great in Slapshot.

I’ve put roughly 200-miles in one, either driving it or riding in it. My criticisms aren’t any different than most people (a couple of which are addressed in the video). While Doug touched on the fit in finished, I think he’s underplaying its shortcomings. Put simply, and accurately, its cheaply made with less than

It’s not ugly, ugly. But, it’s ugly. Having said that, if the 400-mile range isn’t bullshit, it’s a potentially significant milestone. While there may not be a magic number for electric cars to hit (for practical utility reasons that the average consumer demands), I’ve always believed that if a manufacturer can