Pirate it. Don’t give these crooks one more cent. Any money this game makes will only be going to the people that killed the company, not the hard working people that actually made the games.
Pirate it. Don’t give these crooks one more cent. Any money this game makes will only be going to the people that killed the company, not the hard working people that actually made the games.
Goddamn this is some good comment. Reminds me why I even bother to stick around the rotting corpse of Gawker.
Sad to hear since Game of Thrones really felt like living in that world and was hoping for a sequel with better gameplay. Heart goes out to all those who lost their jobs.
How very sad. Narratively speaking, The Wolf Among Us was one of the best games I played in the last 10 years.
That really sucks. With the exception of the Guardians of the Galaxy game, where the writing just felt “off,” they have consistently done awesome work. Tales from the Borderlands was so much better than it had any right to be.
I do hope people who paid for the final season of the Walking Dead get to complete it.
Their games may have been rudimentary and derivative (of each other) in terms of gameplay, and their “branching” story structure was all illusion of choice, but man, did they tell some pretty good stories. It’s sad to see another studio claimed by “grew too big too fast.” One of the hardest things for companies to…
NBC canceled the show, but Ryan’s Constantine was so good has since been brought into the CW DC shows. After a handful of guest spots on Arrow and Legends, he will be a regular on Legends of Tomorrow season 4.
I love Constantine. I choose to look at it as something wholly separate from the comics incarnation. They’re characters with the same name, and it ain’t like “John” is a rare moniker.
And not get the satisfaction that comes from beating up the mentally ill with his fists?
You know, I think you ought to get him some help. He seems to be really hung up on superheroes’ sex organs.
“Batman takes off his costume...”
Nah, you were right not to. Best case scenario, you are made to unwillingly join in as part of the blue wall. Worst case, you do try to effect change and die in an alley somewhere afer back up is “delayed”.
Why isn’t this story 15 years old? This has always been the case since the switch to all digital.
This is EULA’s in a nutshell, honestly. I thought everyone... knew this?
It’s kinda weird how you hear these things since there is no such thing as “the Spider-Man games”, this is the only one and it’s been out for approximately 4 days.
Brother Ali? Slug?
Just wanted to throw in that Fansided also ruined one of the best Game of Thrones fan websites out there. Winteriscoming dot net was a favorite haunt of mine, but when they were acquired by Fansided they started churning out garbage content at an alarming rate. Tons of sponsored tie in stuff, bartending columns, just…
People are going to start making a lot of excuses for this, and that’s fine. I think it’s fair to point out that some of this discussion is premature since we barely know anything about her and how the game will deal with her being trans, if she is.