
Also Houston (howstuhn)

Mackinac, MI

If they say Assassins are descended from the PC in Primal I’m gonna be pissed.

They also had to convince Activision to give up rights to the games.

Yeah, because Hillary would’ve gotten fantastic legislation through a GOP Congress that wanted nothing more than to keep spending millions on ACA-repeals for optics and MailGhazi investigations, so much so that Jason Chaffetz is retiring from Congress because his dream was shattered.

Agent is back and coming this fall.

“Resting Sputter Face”

Man, tributes to Jobu have changed in the last 25 years

“I call shotgun”

I’m okay. Would rather not play Fallout for realzies.

Rush Limbaugh and Hannity are third and fourth most listened to shows on radio, around 13m listeners. Hannity on TV gets maybe 600,000

I really don’t have much more to add than ^^^^^

#FaceDown #ChantsUp

No cigarette. I’m am disappoint.

FWIW, one of the chief animators on U4 came from Bioware, worked on ME and ME2

Tangentially related: his book fucking sucks.

It was. Shaq had the scoring title until the Admiral dropped 70 to take it.

I think that’s default features aside from hair / eye color