

Might give the Lakers a better chance in the playoffs if he stopped coaching

Could be a few things. 538 podcast recounted a story of a Hispanic man carrying a Trump flag and his Muslim girlfriend both voting Trump because of Obamacare. For a portion of Hispanics immigration is an issue. And a term I leaned yesterday that is in some minority communities, “handkerchief head” refers to minorities

Or, you know, vote in non-presidential years. Locally and nationally.

Of note: Trump won more Latino vote than Romney.

FWIW, Cuban supported Trump at first.

skinnier phones

.... And on into 2225

full circle

Plus his radio show has just gone off the deep end.

His dad is just here to give the American bootstraps the Pull-Ups they need.

How the fuck did you miss this one?

So make your old one your SO’s primary. That’s pretty much what I plan to do.

They might get Biff as President right.

Nothing that The Patriot Way can’t cure, though.

Why is this not filed to “Nice”?

Needs more butt chugging.
